Davidsan's property has sold!!!
Davidsan's Japanese Maples has Closed
We thank you for your past support and wish nothing but the best for you. Please
DO NOT use the CONTACT form
but please DO continue to use our "Sap App" for choosing the best Japanese maple tree for you. We'll keep this reference here for public usage.
Davidsan's has donated hundreds (thousands!) of trees to beautify the area and to honor and emphasize the Sister City relationship between
Springfield, Illinois and Ashikaga, Japan
and also between the University of Illinois at Springfield and Ashikaga University
THANK YOU Jonathan GoldbergBelle for more work than can be imagined!
Davidsan's has donated hundreds of Japanese maple trees and granite statuary to UIS. SPECIAL THANKS TO BRIAN BECKERMAN!

Several hundred trees have been planted at UIS, most of them along a pathway to reflect the symbolic 'pathway' that we all travel in life and in education.
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Other locations are benefiting from donations of trees and granite from Davidsan's. Here are a couple dozen trees planted along the entrance roadway into Bunn Park in Springfield,IL.

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Even more fun! Several groups in the community are volunteering to plant Davidsan's trees all over Springfield, beginning at the main entrances to the city and along boulevards in town. Over 1100 trees are waiting to be planted in these locations.
Groups represented include: Urban Forestry Commission, Sustainable Springfield, The Office of the Mayor, Master Gardeners, several High School students and many other wonderful individuals.

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An extra special donation of over a hundred trees and several granite pieces are going to be placed in three locations in Bloomington-Normal, Illinois in connection with Illinois State University (my alma mater!)
to honor and bring attention to Bloomington-Normal's Sister City of Asahikawa, Japan.
These trees will enhance the Japanese Garden at Ewing Cultural Center, ISU's Fell Arboretum, and the ISU Horticultural Center.
THANK YOU TONI TUCKER and your crew.

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"Take a deep breath! Trees are the world's lifeline to oxygen,
beauty, and personal well-being."

Thank you for joining us on the journey!
As recently shared though my emails, the website and our Facebook page, Davidsan’s has had the good fortune of becoming involved in some large projects. We are planning, designing and supplying more than a thousand trees and many pieces of granite statuary to honor over twenty years of Springfield and the University of Illinois at Springfield’s Sister-City relationship with Ashikaga, Japan. I traveled with UIS to Ashikaga three times in the early 2000’s. During those trips I fell in love with Ashikaga, and I have been permanently influenced by Japan, the Japanese people and their culture. I brought home the idea that the world is one community. I believe that spreading that idea will increase international understanding and the well-being of all.
During this last year full of major changes in the country, the world and our lives, including COVID, each of us has had the opportunity to consider how we want to move forward with our lives. After extensive thought about these projects that will continue over the next year, I have chosen to move toward retirement.
The projects in Springfield are moving forward quickly, and soon trees and statuary will be placed in their permanent positions. My team and I are thrilled with Davidsan’s exciting new adventure and our contribution to the transforming world. My hope and vision is that all of the trees, granite lanterns, benches and sculptures that we have shipped all over the country - and that will be planted in Springfield - can be beautiful symbols of contemplation and inspiration, each one adding to the well-being of the people of our World Community.
Thank you so much for your support over the years. Without you, this part of my life would have been much less pleasurable and fulfilling. With gratitude,
Gale Myers, owner
THANK YOU!! We are NOT open for customers.

Our business and this website are dedicated to its founder, David Myers
who passed away on September 23, 2017.
Davidsan’s operated business with the
same enthusiasm and knowledge passed on to us from David
and our genuine passion for these trees.
Thank you, Gale Myers
Here are some historical articles and information: