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Acer palmatum Hagoromo
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Acer palmatum Hagoromo

Spring; red/green
Summer;red/ bronze
Fall; red/orange/yellow
 Size: 5' – 8
Acer palmatum Hama otome
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Acer palmatum Hama otome

Light yellow-green leaves, with outer leaf edges darker, subtle variegation
Acer palmatum Hana fubuki
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Acer palmatum Hana fubuki

Name means "Flower Snowstorm" this highly variegated  green and white leaved tree is a stunning addition to your garden. Smaller than Butterfly, new growth is pink.
Acer palmatum Hanami nishiki
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Acer palmatum Hanami nishiki

A favorite of mine. Highly recommended.  It takes  sun well; has a quilt of color as its Japanese name portends . This tree has one of the smallest leaves of any JM each one sharply pointed ... super cool. Makes a great stand alone smaller specimen tree with a true Japanese shape.
Acer palmatum Hime Shojo / Shojo hime
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Acer palmatum Hime Shojo / Shojo hime

Spring:  red
Summer: red
Fall: red
Size: 3 - 4'
Acer palmatum Hoshi kuzu
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Acer palmatum Hoshi kuzu

Acer palmatum Hupp’s Dwarf
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Acer palmatum Hupp’s Dwarf

Spring; green,
Summer; green,
Fall; red/orange/yellow
Size: 1 – 3’
Acer palmatum Ibo juhi
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Acer palmatum Ibo juhi

Green leaves in spring with a dark purple edge. With rough bark for an interesting display. 
Acer palmatum Japanese Princess
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Acer palmatum Japanese Princess

New leaves are pink, maturing to cream white with a pink blush
Acer palmatum Jerre Schwartz
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Acer palmatum Jerre Schwartz

This dwarf is set apart by both it's very thick leaf set, highly divided leave type on short red branchettes, and it's ability to set seeds which is unusual for a witches broom ... It is VERY pretty compact and an outstanding dwarf that is a must for any dwarf collector.
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